Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Read below to learn a bit more about Lully

Regardless if you’re using Pick Planner or Pick Optimizer, Lully functions as an API sitting on top of your WMS, ERP, or Shipping system.

Calls are made to the API from your system to provide order data. After analyzing your order data, an optimized plan is made available for your system to use for execution.

We expect customers to see between 40 and 70% improvement in pick efficiency. 

Often,  customers see improvements in other areas, such as administrative work and packing. 
It’s not uncommon to see the overall operation improve in efficiency by 50%, when considering all direct costs.

This is part of the secret: We continue to allow your WMS to make decisions around allocation, so that you’re able to continue managing FIFO, FEFO, shelf life, or any other inventory life cycle requirements in the same way you do today.

We take security very seriously, both for your data and our data.

Lully’s design is inherently secure; we only transmit data when your systems request it. In addition, we have the option to not place hardware or software within your facilities.

Lully maintains robust policies to conform to enterprise cybersecurity standards; including ensuring data is encrypted in transit and at rest.

Lully’s base system is a multi-tenant microservices architecture.

For a annual fee, and minimum volume, Lully is happy to provide a dedicated environment for your organization.

Lully can provide value in almost any warehouse, distribution, or fulfillment applications.

Our most valuable applications tend to be those where manual picking is occurring; that picking could occur on any vehicle type: cart, pallet jack, forklift, order picker, etc

Is anything really AI?

To put it simply: On the AI continuum, Lully would fall somewhere between a simple neural net and artificial general intelligence.

Lully’s software stack is entirely developed in house and features numerous applications that are tailored and trained towards each specific use case.

Typically, customization isn’t actually required; Instead, we work together to help your team understand how to leverage the Lully system to get the desired result.

However, there will always be exceptions. If your challenge is an exception, as long as the customization will serve the greater market, Lully will make an effort to work with you.


IF the team believes we’re the right partner for that particular use case, and

IF the team has capacity to take on the effort, and

IF we believe you, as a customer, will be great to work with

In most warehouses, the order life cycle follows the pattern of:

Order Entry > Wave/Batch Creation >  Allocation > Picker Assignment > Picking >  Packing > Shipping

Pick Planner is focused entirely on pre-allocation work. In your system, this may be your wave or batch creation, or simply order release.

Pick Optimizer sits between the Allocation step and the Picker Assignment step.