Maximize Warehouse Efficiency with unparalleled flexibility and simplicity

Simplify achieving warehouse operational efficiency through our end-to-end orchestration platform.

Applied intelligence to order grouping

Simplify Warehouse Orchestration, Boost Efficiency

Lully sits on top of your current WMS without needing to interface with your end users directly. 


More Volume,
Less Resources,
Lower Cost

Labor attraction and retention is tougher today than ever. Robotics and conveyor systems aren’t a solution for every operation. Yet the demands placed on operations teams everywhere are increasing.

Drive both cost and labor savings, by leveraging a combination of simple operating rules and world-class algorithms, all available via API.

Lully’s engineers are experts in optimizing for efficiency in warehouses while leveraging the WMS capabilities you already have. We’ll work with you to identify pain points and quickly implement processes to provide meaningful improvement in efficiency and cost.

Supercharge your WMS without the pain of traditional integration.

Accelerate picking to drive more volume and meet customer expectations, all while maintaining operational control.